Monday, March 24, 2008

Before I left America in September, I was gung-ho for a moneyless African adventure - roughing it for two years on the world's second-least developed continent. I packed so lightly that I had extra room in my suitcase for a smushy bead-pillow, selected specifically to fill the space because Peace Corps instructed me to bring "an item which can comfort me and/or make me feel at home." I said my goodbyes, collected snail-mail addresses, and jumped feet-first out of my comfortable American home and into a world I could previously only imagine. I arrived with precisely zero expectations, having no idea how hard the language would be, what town I'd be near, or which Western comforts I'd have access to regularly, seldomly, or never.

Now, six months after arriving in Tanzania, I've gotten used to what I can and can't find; I know where I can get cheap candles, the best rice&beans or a plate of so-called "pepper steak," which shops in town will charge my phone for free. I know that unless I take a 5-hour bus ride, it's impossible to get ice cream or a salad, buy computer supplies, or cross an intersection of two paved roads. I've increased my limit for staying in the bush without a break: so far, I've made it three weeks. But there are some things I've begun to expect when I come to town, like a hot shower, a movie on the tiny hotel TV, a chance to read/send emails, a full PO Box. Last weekend, I came all the way to Njombe and got none of those. The water wasn't running, the electrical outlet in my hotel room was broken, the entire town's internet was down, and my PO Box was rusted shut. If I had not had any of those things from the moment I set foot in Africa, I might not have been quite so woeful. When I arrived in Tanzania, I didn't expect anything; I had braced myself for an emotional impact the size of the volcano collapse that created Ngorongoro Crater. I was ready. But now, after four months in my new house, I was devastated not to have these little American luxuries. Although it's become normal not to have electricity at home and to bathe using a bucket and a pitcher, I also expect to have internet access and a hot shower once every few weeks. These are my new standards, my new bare minimums of survival...even though not one of the other teachers at my school has ever used the internet, and most have never seen a full-length movie.

I'm an intruder in someone else's world. These familiar luxuries I enjoy in town are those that remind me home and are available. Other aspects of my American culture, though, are just plain laughable to Tanzanians. I'm like Fez in That 70s Show. I'm weird. The following is a brief list of things I do or have done that, to Tanzanians, is the equivalent of a foreigner in America sweeping the grass of her front lawn with a branch of a pine tree or walking down the street with a hoe slung over his shoulder and a stick to hit the two goats in front of him:

  • Carried a water bottle around and claimed it was good for my health to drink a lot of water.

  • Taken a special trip to town to buy myself toilet paper when the village shop ran out.

  • Allowed my Peace Corps friend and neighbor Nicole to sleep on the couch when she visited instead of insisting that she share my tiny bed with me.

  • Used wine and soda bottles as candle holders.

  • Refused rice&beans.

  • Worn a bike helmet.

  • Run for exercise.

  • Been upset when everyone in the teachers' room agreed that I had gotten "very fat."

  • Done school work at home.

  • Made a huge burlap bag of charcoal last four months (because I don't sleep with the stove in the room next to me to keep me warm and intoxicated with carbon monoxide).

  • Read novels.

  • Baked cookies.

  • Claimed I could be just friends with men without having any other interest in them.

  • Claimed that it was possible, but extremely difficult to contract HIV/AIDS from sharing toothbrushes.

  • Explained skydiving.

  • Used a world map to locate not one, not two, but all twelve countries featured on my new travel calendar.

  • Packed a backpack to go on a weekend trip.

  • Been upset when school didn't start on time.

  • Eaten porridge as a grown-up.

  • Allowed my friends to come into the kitchen and cook with me when they've visited instead of leaving them alone in my living room while I cooked for them and served them.
  • Disliked my current president.
I could probably keep adding to this list until the moment I board the plane back to the US. Let me know what else you want to read about; I'm running out of ideas fast. I'm not a very exciting person.


Whitney said...

Hi.My name is Whitney and I am coming as a Health Volunteer in June. I enjoy reading your blog and I cannot wait to come to Tanzania!!

Pat said...

Believe me when I say that what has become mundane to you is fascinating to us! Keep posting those details about everyday life, local customs and culture and tell us about the buses that almost tip over, the rain and your garden. Let us know about the school, your work and the children—it helps to give us a perspective and to imagine life for a few seconds in your Chaco’s. We miss you so much - and we love reading it and can’t wait for the next post.

Aunt Carolyn said...

Your life sure has changed! When I read your blog, it almost seems like the gear shifter has been taken off your bike, but at the same time, you miss pedalling really fast every once in a while. It would probably do us all a bit of good to downshift for a good chunk of time though. Makes you really think, not just do....keep on writing - we love your stories. I love reading about the people you meet and their viewpoints - your students, what is important to them, etc. For my kids sake - it would be great to have a comparison - a day in the life of a 10, 13,17 yr old.

Nana Mueller said...

Hi, Keep writting. We love to hear about your life over there. Tell us about the life of the teenagers. Do they drink or take drugs? Are they wild? Do they dress like they do here? Are they smart? We think of you a lot and miss you, Take care of your self, Do they have doctors there? There is so much we love to hear about. Please keep writing. Love Nana

Brian said...

I also enjoy reading about your African experiences. In the little time I have to spend online, I do manage to read your blogs. Like Mom said, it is fascinating to see how you're living over there. Keep the info coming, I find it interesting. I promise pics of the new house, dog, etc are on the way...of course, if your PO Box is rusted shut, you may have problems seeing them. I'd offer to send you some PB Blaster, but if you can't open your box to get it then it wouldn't do you any good....

Rikki said...

You know I like reading your stories. I can't wait to visit, we have to plan it out so I can at some point ( i think u said your free time was next year, lol). Miss you, you should get my letter soon= i wrote back asap.

Dad said...

Keep writing--we all enjoy. I also don't undetstand how you can not like your President as he is your direct boss. I too do not understand skydiving.

We now have heard what you do that is weird. What do they do that is weird to us but normal to them? I too would like to read about their normal teenage moments--- the athletics they are involved in and how they party? In other words, what is their world?? If they don't understand, for example, a water bottle---what do they drink? Do they even understand what an airplane is? Do they exercise? The list is endless----and how is your housekeeper doing?

Won't be long until you get a little vacation!!!

Unknown said...

Laura head - Your blog is fascinating - every little lyrical explanation of rice and beans or burlap bags - and it makes me dream of anything other than civil procedure. I know I have been a bad friend with my lack of letters - BAD friend.
However, keep writing...i like hearing about food. or reading about food. Food and law books run my life right now and I'd like to read about what else you are cooking.

I love you!

Unknown said...

Seems weird that people don't believe you when you say that drinking water is good for your health, and what do they do for exercise if they think you are weird when you run? It's interesting to see how different things are there.