If you had been in the bus when it fell into this position, you would have been sure it was tipping over completely. And yes, that's the door out of which we had to step to get to dry land.
First instinct: Move forward at all costs, even if there is a giant sloshpit in front of you.

There is a rule that only men help to push the bus. It's the only time I've ever been happy to be considered weak. Although one day, when I'm not wearing a white skirt, I'm going to help them push just to prove I can.
And they actually succeeded in getting it a little further into the middle of the puddle.

So they dug the tire out and drained the puddle a little bit.

And went back the way we came.

If you look at the rear wheel, it doesn't look very promising.
But, by draining the puddle a little more, and pushing a little harder, they rolled the bus back out of the mud!

And we're off! So load the hoe-shovel back into the bus.

Another post to come later this week, since I will be in town with internet for six whole days!